
Two of the most fascinating bacterial nanomachines—the broadly disseminated rotary flagellum at the heart of cellular motility and the eukaryotic cell–puncturing injectisome essential to specific pathogenic species—utilize at their core a conserved export machinery called the type III secretion system (T3SS). The T3SS not only secretes the components that self-assemble into their extracellular appendages but also, in the case of the injectisome, subsequently directly translocates modulating effector proteins from the bacterial cell into the infected host. The injectisome is thought to have evolved from the flagellum as a minimal secretory system lacking motility, with the subsequent acquisition of additional components tailored to its specialized role in manipulating eukaryotic hosts for pathogenic advantage. Both nanomachines have long been the focus of intense interest, but advances in structural and functional understanding have taken a significant step forward since 2015, facilitated by the revolutionary advances in cryo-electron microscopy technologies. With several seminal structures of each nanomachine now captured, we review here the molecular similarities and differences that underlie their diverse functions.


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